Lee Charlish makes movies produced by his production company, Korky Films.
Korky Films is a low to no budget filmmaking outfit based in Coventry, West Midlands; near London, the largest capital city in England.
Korky Films was established in 2003 by Lee Charlish and, since then, lots of films have been produced. See the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) for more details.
In 2014, after a long hiatus, Korky Films was re-branded and all existing films were archived and hidden away from public display. Since 2024, Korky Films has resurfaced and will now exclusively produce animations on its YouTube channel.
Korky Films specialises in short animations for web viewing and sometimes festival entry.
Most of Lee’s animated films have an oneiric feel and exist in a bizarre hinterland between fantasy and reality, covering all genres and usually involves high-concept storylines and compelling visual images.
Regular updates will occur via the Korky Films YouTube channel, Instagram and X (Twitter) accounts. Please feel free to ‘follow’ or ‘like’ Korky Films via these social media platforms.